IH Partner Camps & Centers
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If you are a non-profit camp or center for individuals with special needs in the State of Texas, and wish to partner with the annual IH Scholarship program, please review the below instructions. Applications must be received by July 1st of each year to be considered for the November 1st open application start date.
To request consideration to participate as an approved camp or partner organization please see the requirements listed below and contact us directly. The Inspiring HANDS Awards board evaluates requests for future funding consideration at its August board meeting. Please submit your organizations application no later than July 1st of each year. This will allow you to seek funding consideration for the following year, as Camper and Rider applications are accepted November 1st through March 15th of the following year. Consideration will only be given to camps and centers that meet the Campership / Ridership Award eligibility requirements listed above.
Camp / Partner Organization Eligibility Requirement Considerations
- Must be a registered non-profit organization in the State of Texas.
- Must complete the downloadable short questionnaire.
- Must provide a filed copy of IRS Form 990 and annually thereafter.
- The organizations intent is to provide an experiential/ educational program to an unknown group and infinite number of people. The camper/rider is the benefactor.
- The benefit to the camp or center is secondary to benefit to the camper / rider.
- The public charity, Inspiring HANDS, is solely responsible for the final selection of the recipient camper / rider and distributions of funds to the camp or center on their behalf in a tax-exempt fashion.
- Funding is restricted to use for tuition scholarships only for individuals that experience financial and special needs based on the criteria set by the camp or organization. Inspiring HANDS Awards support may not be used for a camp/ center or parent non-profit’s general operating fund, nor for capital improvements.
- The camp or center agrees to define by their requirements the qualification of the applicant(s) to attend as well as their need for financial assistance. A representative of the camp or center shall sign off acknowledging such on each Camper or Rider’s application prior to submitting them to Inspiring HANDS.
- Once awarded, any un-applied Scholarship funds must be used by the intended applicant within one year from the date of original issue or they must be forfeited by the applicant and camp/center and returned to Inspiring HANDS, Inc. The returned funds may be applied to the next applicant in line. The next applicant may or may not be affiliated with the original camp or center as they are pre-determined by the IH Selection Committee upon the original award date.
Award committee members use this information to evaluate and select for funding a group of high-performing non-profit camps / centers that demonstrate sound fiscal management and expertise in serving youth affected by poverty and/or disability.
Contact Melissa Kenney, Programs Director for Inspiring HANDS, Inc. MelissaK@inspiringhands.org
For a current list of approved Camps CLICK HERE
For a current list of approved Equestrian Centers CLICK HERE