“We could not thank you enough for this wonderful opportunity for Colton to be able to attend camp this summer. He was so excited about going that he actually packed at least 5 times getting ready to leave. Colton had such a wonderful time and is asking about going back again. This would have not been possible this year for Colton if it was not for the scholarship Inspiring HANDS provided. This is such a wonderful time for campers but also gives their parents the respite so needed. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Joe and Christy” (Colton’s parents)
“Our sons were awarded full camperships to Camp Blessing this summer (2015). This was their first time at sleep away summer camp without their parents. What an amazing, indescribable experience for them and us. They had one on one counselors and were able to do things other kids get to do at camp. They had s ‘mores, did zipline, swam, rode pedal cars, participated in messy games and so so much more. They got to sleep over at a camp with no restriction. We, as parents, were comforted in the knowledge that they would get their medications and special diets would be adhered to without the bat of an eye. Without the Inspiring Hands campership, we would not have been able to afford this amazing experience and we pray the boys will be able to attend every year from here on out. Thank you so much! The huge bills that come with therapies for two amazing kids with special needs, leave no extras for fun. You gave us that! God bless you all! Thanks, Andrew and Shannon” (Finley and Kieran’s parents)
“My son Daryl and I would like to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the awarded scholarship from Inspiring HANDS. He loves riding with SIRE and his therapeutic sessions have taken him a long way the past five plus years and with your help he’s able to continue doing what he loves. Again, we thank you and your organization for the gracious contribution to my son.” – Daisy
“Cade’s participation in SIRE has given him confidence, helped his focus and attention span and most importantly given his peers the opportunity to see Cade as a child who is more than his diagnosis. Because of SIRE, Cade is the kid who rides horses and competes in Top Hands and not just a kid who has a diagnosis. In addition, it has given Cade’s sister the opportunity to watch him do something she does not do. As a single mother the Inspiring HANDS scholarship is very much appreciated. Thank you for your generosity!” – Susan
“We sincerely appreciate the opportunity that was given for Angel to ride. When Angel ride the horse he is happy and very excited every single time. Although, Angel is non-verbal you can tell thru his smiles and giggles that he enjoys the time with the horses. This scholarship has given Angel another opportunity for continuous growth and development.” – Liza, parent
“Wow! All of you are amazing people at Inspiring HANDS. You have been a huge blessing and encouragement to us personally and to some special campers! Know ya’ll are impacting lives big time! Many thanks and Blessing to you all.” – Glen, Director of Camp Blessing Texas
“Thank you so much for the generous scholarship for Skyler at SIRE Hockley. Skyler is really coming out of her shell and actually making friends.” – Susan, parent.
“Parents will be overjoyed that you have relieved of at least one of the financial burden that raising a special needs child presents. Thank you very much for your generous contribution of 10,960 to fund 2016 Ridership Awards. Your generosity will help improve the quality of life for people with special needs through therapeutic horsemanship. Through your gift, more people with challenging disabilities will improve their strength and balance, communication skills, and confidence – bringing great joy to their daily lives. I like to say “Miracles happen everyday at SIRE!” We could not have such a profound impact on our riders’ lives without your tremendous support. Thank you very much for your part in making a difference in so many lives.” – Joe, Executive Director at SIRE
“What a blessing! Thank you and to all who took part. What a great group. We are very thankful and blessed to be a part of your program. I pray that God continues to bless you in all your efforts. Inspiring Hands can be blessing to many people as you expand your mission.” – David Cecil, Camp Bethesda
“Thank you! I very much appreciate your email letting me know Cade had been selected for an Inspiring HANDS award. Cade loves SIRE and looks forward to Saturdays and riding. He has enjoyed the Top Hans Rodeo and participated in Special Olympics for the first time this year. Cade won two golds and a silver! I have enclosed pictures so you can see the joy in Cade’s face. As a single Mom, things aren’t always easy. Thank you very much for the award. Case will benefit so much.” – Susan, Cade’s Mother
“After we dropped dour son off, it dawned on me that I had never been separated from him since his birth. But when I picked my son up, he was a new child. At Camp Blessing he is a rock star, not the odd kid. At Camp Blessing he is able, not disabled. At Camp Blessing, he is not just accepted; he is loved. My son looks forward to Camp Blessing every year.” – Parents
“Thank you for the donation for me to go to Sire. It means a lot to me. It enables me to ride a horse. This time last year I was in Top hands horse show and I was in a wheelchair. I will be in the horse again this year but I will be walking. Riding a horse helped my balance. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” – Michelle, Rider