Message from the President
Dear Friends,
As President of the Inspiring Hands, Inc. Board of Directors I am proud to be among an amazing team that focuses on our mission to extend a hand directly and help those in need within our community. The IH Awards program has allowed us to help many individuals with financial and special needs within the greater Houston and surrounding areas. While we had a challenging year we are thankful that we were still able to provide scholarships for 2020. We are so thankful for those of you that generously contributed to our online fundraising efforts during this difficult time. None of what we have accomplished thus far would have been possible without the support of our sponsors and donors. Inspiring HANDS, Inc. is 100% volunteer operated and fully funded by donations. Therefore, the support of the community partners is critical to the continued success of our programs. We thank you for your generosity and for partnering with us. It is because of your support, that we are accomplishing our goals and directly helping individuals in our community. Thank you!
Stay tuned for upcoming events Fall 2021!
Denise C Miller, President