Post Tagged with: "gala"

Come Together 2017


Invite and Sponsor Opp

 Featuring a live concert by Eagles tribute band Already Gone.


Put on your best ‘70’s costume, formal wear, or come as your are as this will be an event you don’t want to miss.

Online tickets go on sale April 1st.


Inspiring HANDS hosts one event a year, Come Together, which benefits the awards program. Therefore, your participation in the form of sponsorship, donations and attendance is critical to the continuation of this program. For more information including event sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at 832-953-5354 or


Each year Inspiring HANDS provides up to $20,000 in Campership or Ridership Awards for award scholarship programs for special needs individuals of all ages. We are currently accepting applications now through March 15th.  IH Campership and Ridership programs help individuals with financial and special needs residing in Harris and Montgomery counties to attend partner, non-profit organizations in Texas that specialize in meeting those needs.  Donations contribute to tuition and awards at a select set of non-profit camps and centers that offer therapeutic support, adaptive recreation, and a focus on cultivating skills and values needed for success. Current partner organizations include Camp Blessing Texas, Camp Summit, Camp CAMP, SIRE Therapeutic Equestrian Center, Panther Creek Inspiration Ranch, and Joy Ride.

Applications for these Camperships and Riderships are accepted November 1st throughl March 15, of the following year. The current selection committee, which considers all applications on a case-by-case basis, is made up of Michael Broussard, founding member of Building New Foundations; Michelle Droubi, office president for Allegiance Bank; and Bruce Hillegeist, president of the Greater Tomball Area Chamber of Commerce.  Award recipients are notified by May 1, of each year.

For further information on the IH awards program or to apply click CAMPERSHIPS or RIDERSHIPS